if mode folding bike
if mode folding bike

之前由台灣的太平洋自行車公司出了一台《IFMODEFoldingBike》,外型很具未來感,往往小折輪子都比較小,這台算是大尺寸的輪徑,簡單的設計,讓你3秒鐘就 ...,Thebuilt-inhandlemakesiteasytowheelaroundeventhetightestcrowdsorelevators.Thefoldedpackagemeasuresj...

iF設計金獎—Pacific IF MODE Folding Bike

之前由台灣的太平洋自行車公司出了一台《IFMODEFoldingBike》,外型很具未來感,往往小折輪子都比較小,這台算是大尺寸的輪徑,簡單的設計,讓你3秒鐘就 ...

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iF設計金獎—Pacific IF MODE Folding Bike

之前由台灣的太平洋自行車公司出了一台《 IF MODE Folding Bike》,外型很具未來感,往往小折輪子都比較小,這台算是大尺寸的輪徑,簡單的設計,讓你3秒鐘就 ...

IF Mode Folding Bicycle with Upgrades

The built-in handle makes it easy to wheel around even the tightest crowds or elevators. The folded package measures just 102cm(H) x27cm(W) x ...


MODE features IF (Integrated Folding) technology that offers a single-action, automatic fold that requires no tools or removal of parts. IF technology is based ...

Pacific IF Move—Folding the Future

The Mode is a 26” wheeled bike with 2 speeds (in the BB), while the Move has 20” wheels and sports 9 gears at the back wheel. It is 7 ½ lbs, ...

獲獎無數的IF MODE,許多車友都對它的造型深深吸引吧! 刀輪造型 ...

獲獎無數的IF MODE,許多車友都對它的造型深深吸引吧! 刀輪造型、俐落外型、3秒折疊更多IF系列介紹:https://www.pacific-cycles.com/if?lang=zh.


... IF系列車款。整合了各種折疊概念及功能,iF 即整合性折疊Integrated Folding的縮寫。只需3秒折疊,並可推行的大輪徑折疊車。 IF MODE線條簡潔俐落,充滿未來感,是IF ...

Review: Areaware iF-Mode Bicycle

評分 5/10 · Steven Leckart · The “integrated folder” boasts a fairly smooth and efficient folding mechanism: One lever frees a dual-hinge at the frame's mid-point, allowing ...

IF Mode folding bike, coolest folding bike - ever

http://www.nycewheels.com/if-mode-folding-bike.html Peter is showing off our IF Mode folding bike made by Pacific cycles. The IF Mode is for ...

Fun with Pacific IF Mode

Watching the engineers of the unique Pacific IF Mode folding bike having fun riding from factory, harbor to Starbucks at Taoyuan High Speed ...


之前由台灣的太平洋自行車公司出了一台《IFMODEFoldingBike》,外型很具未來感,往往小折輪子都比較小,這台算是大尺寸的輪徑,簡單的設計,讓你3秒鐘就 ...,Thebuilt-inhandlemakesiteasytowheelaroundeventhetightestcrowdsorelevators.Thefoldedpackagemeasuresjust102cm(H)x27cm(W)x ...,MODEfeaturesIF(IntegratedFolding)technologythatoffersasingle-action,automaticfoldthatrequiresnotoolsorremovalofparts.IFtechno...